Enna Zone Đonlić, članica EWB BiH, Youth Reconciliation Ambassador, predstavljala je BiH na “Summit for Democracy”
10.12. u 22:34
Ponos nije riječ koju tražim, osjećam puno više. Youth Town Hall #SummitForDemocracy razgovor s ambasadoricom SAD-a pri UN-u Lindom Thomas-Greenfield i kolegama mladim liderima, kao i završne riječi predsjednika Bidena, pokazali su da su mladi u središtu inicijativa, da se naš glas čuje i naš rad nije nezapažen. Radujem se Godini akcije, godini koja predstavlja puno izazova za BiH, ali sigurna sam da ćemo se mi, mladi ljudi, moći izboriti za svoje mjesto i osigurati da BiH bude na putu razvoja i prosperiteta, ne govorim samo o nužnim političkim i sistemskim rješenjima, već o poboljšanjima u ekonomiji, zdravstvu i obrazovanju.
Još jednom se zahvaljujem United States Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambasadoru Nelsonu i administraciji Biden-Harris na prilici da predstavljam BiH na ovom važnom samitu.
Pride is not the word I am looking for, I am feeling much more. Youth Town Hall #SummitForDemocracy discussion with US Ambassador to UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, and fellow youth leaders, as well as closing remarks of President Biden, showed that young people are at the center of the initiatives, that our voices are heard and our work is not unnoticed. I am looking forward to the Year of Action, the year that poses a lot of challenges for BiH, but I am sure we, young people, will be able to put ourselves into the narrative and ensure that BiH is on the path to development and prosperity, not only talking about the necessary political and systematical solutions, but improvements in the economy, health, and education.
Once more thank United States Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Nelson, and Biden-Harris Administration for the opportunity to represent BiH at this important Summit.